“Written not with ink but with the spirit of our charism; not on tablets of stone but on tables of human hearts!” (cf 2 Cor 2:1-3)

The ‘Inner Spirit’ written by the sisters’ co-foundress Mother Paula speaks a language that seems foreign to people of today. Yet, it is the spirit of the CPS charism that everyone who is part of the CPS international network is invited to listen to, the words written on the tablets of human hearts.

“Our first principle God is my father an I am his Child will, as a motif of humble faith and child-like surrender, guiding the relationship of the soul with the heavenly father, thus drawing down God’s blessing on ourselves and our work. The proverb Unity is Strength, which has been chosen as the guide for our common life apostolate, will promote ans strengthen the inner unity which is anchored in God.” (cf.IS, Intro)

In our daily life we strive to live our spirituality through the practice of our four virtues and devotions.

Devotion to the Precious Blood.

In our world of today people experience many forms of hurt. Murder, rape, warfare, rejection, human trafficking … many of our human interactions are characterized by destruction. Other people die prematurely as a result of cancer, HIV/AIDS or other illnesses.

What had the Precious Blood to offer to this world?

It invites us as people redeemed by Jesus’ blood to healing, reconciliation, redemption, liberation, growth, and thus increase our hope in life. Only  in that way can we live our daily deaths and work towards our daily resurrections, stand by those who suffer and offer healing to a broken world.

Union with the Divine Heart of Jesus

Our societies are torn apart by lack of love, broken marriages, homes, and families, loss of loved ones, irresponsibilities, coldness, greed, consumerism, indifference, bystander syndrome, hate, and rejection.

What does the Divine Heart of Jesus invite us to do?

It invites us to respond with love and self-giving, to extend forgiveness, warmth, and acceptance, to offer a sense of caring and belonging as well as a space where people feel safe and secure, protected and nourished. In living Christ-like lives we open hearts to see His eyes and to give generously of ourselves.

CPS Ethos

All our institutions are guided by our Ethos in the everyday life. This is to enable all those who work with us to share in our mission, spirit and charism. It is a great challenge to emulate and walk together in the footsteps of Christ, the missionary of the Father.